the tarot room

georgianna of the tarot room talks about tarot stuff

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Tarot in the City

When I’ve got nothing to do, or am avoiding things I should do, I often take my camera and head out with no particular plan. I’ll walk around for a couple of hours and shoot whatever catches my eye.

No surprise really, but frequently, when I’m doing this I’ll see things that remind me of Tarot cards or their symbols. It often crosses my mind to make a 'City Walk Tarot' out of one of my photo wanderings.

Well - today day was the day!! I went out for a little over two hours, took 394 pictures (thank goodness for digital!) and miraculously found an entire Tarot deck in a few city blocks around my home. Who would have guessed there was so much magic around here?

Don’t get me wrong – the photos aren’t very good, and this is hardly what you’d call a ‘serious’ deck, and I’ve taken some liberties to make the whole thing work, but I think it does. At least I like it. And it was a lot of fun to do!!

I encourage any photo-loving Tarot enthusiasts to do the same. Find the cards hiding in your neighbourhood. I’d love to see what you come up with!

Here's the Major Arcana from today's walk, I've posted all 78 images on my facebook group (the picture resolution's better there) ...

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Stoney Machete!!!

My very good dog friend, Stoney Machete, is celebrating his 13th birthday today. I can’t believe time has gone so fast, Stone and I have shared some good times. Hours together at the office, adventures at the Bat Cave, trips to Pioneer Town, countless games of drag and tug. We’ve crisscrossed North America together and said hello and good-bye at airports more times than I can remember. I love Stoney.

But we did have a bit of an awkward start to our friendship. I met the Stone when he was just six months old and all about chewing. I know it’s not right to take dog behaviour personally, but I couldn’t help but notice the only things he chewed belonged to me. My friend, his very best human, told me I was imagining it, but I wasn’t, and Stone knew I was on to him.

One night we arrived home to see my entire Thoth Tarot deck strewn across the floor starting in the living room and trailing in a straight line right through to the bedroom. I was so upset I could hardly contain myself as I followed the card path. When I got to the end I couldn’t believe my eyes. The last card in the trail was the 5 of Wands – Strife. And it was chewed to shreds.

Since that was the only card with any damage on it, I couldn’t help but take it as a message. Stoney had decided to clear the air and bring our petty arguing about who was chewing what out into the open. And not only that, he was going to end the fighting right then. Of course I let him know I wasn’t happy with his method of communication, but wow was he good. We became fast friends from there.

And about the deck, since it was my very first one, given to me by my mother, I decided ‘Strife be damned,’ and kept it. In fact, I use it all the time. Purists might be disturbed by my choice, but I believe if the energy of the 5 of Wands needs to come out in a reading, it’ll find a way, whether it’s through a combination of other cards or myself and a client ‘magically’ choosing a different deck for that reading. No harm done.

Stoney and I live in different cities right now so I’ve had to pass my birthday message on to him through his best human. But I thought I’d give it a go psychically as well and of course chose Tarot as my medium. Out loud I said “I love Stoney Mac!’ and pulled a card.

The card I got was 'Strength'. Pictured is a young maiden playing with a gorgeous golden lion. Quite obviously the young maiden is myself (ha ha) and the golden lion no other than Stoney Machete aka The Golden Boy of Hollywood. How fabulous! He sent me a picture of the two of us hanging out. Stone’s still got the Tarot Touch!!

Happy Happy Birthday Stoney!!! Have a squeak toy on me - I love you Bub!