the tarot room

georgianna of the tarot room talks about tarot stuff

Monday, August 03, 2009

The Sun - Happy August!

The Sun card is one of my favourites! A young child with a red plume rides a white horse under the blazing yellow star. Sunflowers cheer behind him as he carries the red flag of victory forward.

In the Major Arcana, the Sun is #19, the third to last card in the series. By the time you get to it, you’ve been through some serious growing. But it looks like you’ve come out a winner. And you’ve earned the right to play again.

Right now in the middle of summer, this card reminds me to feel the joy of the season. The openness and freedom of being outside, even when it rains. No need for coats or sweaters, no need to hide your skin. Though there’s not been a whole lot of actual sunshine this summer, today’s been bright. And indeed, it’s always bright if you look inside.

The sun depicted in this card reflects the creative fire in you, the brilliance of enlightenment that can brighten even the deepest and darkest of glooms. The sun exposes everything. It is illumination. When it appears, the night is done. It’s time to rejoice.

And rejoice I will! There’s at least another month and a half of this wonderful season left. I’m going to suck up as much sunshine and summer energy as I can. Happy August everyone!