the tarot room

georgianna of the tarot room talks about tarot stuff

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

the tarot room on twitter

so i just joined twitter . . . . for the longest time now i've resisted but friday night i went ahead and now i don't know why i didn't do it earlier. not that i have a whole lot to say just yet, but it's fascinating to see so many thoughts being spilled all over the world about every conceivable topic. unbelievable really. even if you don't want to join, check out the the twitter search page, and try entering anything from 'tarot' or 'britney spears' to phrases like 'i wish' or 'i love'. fascinating . . . or at least i think so.

and if you do decide to join - i'd love it if you'd follow the tarot room tweets!

by the way - i wish everyone a HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY 2009!!!