the tarot room

georgianna of the tarot room talks about tarot stuff

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Getting Busy with the Prince of Swords

With so much to do these days it’s been hard to find time to write. It seems that since Mercury went direct, I’ve suddenly become swamped with tasks needing immediate attention. I kind of miss the slower pace of the retrograde. It wasn't nearly so hectic.

While I was trudging through the snow this morning, wondering how everything could possible get done, I started thinking about the Thoth Prince of Swords.

In the image, the Prince is riding a crystal chariot. He’s dynamic, directed and being drawn forward by three tiny self-replicas. And doesn’t it look like he’s moving over ice just like I was?

I certainly wished I had a chariot to take me through that arctic weather today, and if only I had three little helper clones. They could do the laundry, pick up some groceries, maybe catch up on emails, tweet. Could I get them to do some bookkeeping?

Though the intelligent delegation of tasks might be one of the messages, this card isn’t really about having somebody else do your work for you. It’s about gaining control and focusing your energy to most effectively pursue your goals. It’s about mental clarity and an emergent sense of authority.

This card reminds us to look clearly at what we need to accomplish, stripping away what’s excess and getting down to our fundamental ideas. We’re asked to be sharp, definite and not waste time letting our minds run this way and that.

I think the Prince was sending me a message this morning. And I’m pretty sure he was right – focus, accomplish, and move on to what’s next. That’s all I need to do to get everything done. It’s pretty straightforward.

But about this cold . . . . .


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