the tarot room

georgianna of the tarot room talks about tarot stuff

Friday, January 30, 2009

Let the Ground Hogs Sleep: Page of Swords Predicts an Early Spring

Sunday’s a great day for at least two reasons – Mercury finally goes direct after a three-week slowdown, and it’s Ground Hog Day. Mercury going direct should help get communication, electronics and travel back on track. But Ground Hog day is even more exciting! At least for me here in the snowy north.

Whether Punxsutawney Phil or his Canadian cousin, Wiarton Willie see their shadows or not, February 2nd promises that winter will be over in no more than six weeks. If there was ever a reason to celebrate, this is it. Six weeks isn’t tomorrow, but it’s only a month and a half away.

Since 1887, Punxsutawney Phil (and his ancestors) have predicted six more weeks of winter 90% of the times they were dragged out of their holes and asked. Poor things. It hardly seems worth it to keep waking them up just to hear the same message. Why don’t we let them sleep in this year and I’ll pull a card instead.

My question is the same one we ask the ground hogs – will there be six more weeks of winter or an early spring? The cards say: an early spring. Yay!!!

Could it be true? Here’s my reasoning…

The card I pulled was the Page of Swords. A brave young warrior stands on light green turf – looks like new grass to me. There are birds in the sky and wind in the air. But most importantly, it’s really cloudy. Isn’t that the omen we’re looking for?

If it’s sunny on Ground Hog morning, Phil and Willie cast a shadow. When it’s cloudy, they don’t. The Page is the ground hog (or us) looking around for clues about the weather. No sun, no shadows, it’ll be an early spring.

I might be wrong and this whole read nothing more than wishful thinking. But I’m going to stick by my cards and get my spring clothes out for early March. Why not? If it’s still cold by then, I’ll see about getting a flight south.


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