the tarot room

georgianna of the tarot room talks about tarot stuff

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Twitter Tips in Tarot – 140

I’ve been on Twitter for about a month now. So far, I’m absolutely loving it. It’s been inspiring and informative. Ok, so some of it’s not so inspiring or informative, but enough people on it are to make the whole thing worthwhile.

And what’s even more amazing (at least to me) is that all this sharing is being done in 140 characters or less. That’s not a whole lot of strokes to get your message across. And yet, as Twitter has definitely proven to me, it’s more than enough.

Since I’m a Tarot Number Nut, I decided to look more carefully at this numeric series - ‘140’. Let’s quickly break it down and see if there might be some Twitter Tips from the Tarot hidden in the maximum character count …

1 - The Magician: communicate with confidence, clarify your ideas, publish your perspective, don’t be a trickster/scammer;

4 – The Emperor: express your personality, carve out your domain, be mature enough to know when to go to battle or not, don’t push too hard;

0 - The Fool: jump in and play, be willing to meet the world, take a leap into (cyber)space, but don’t be an idiot and give away your personal info, etc. to strangers – some people are the tricksters/scammers mentioned above;

and finally: 1 + 4 + 0 = 5

5 - The Hierophant: speak your truth, be sensible, and share your wisdom with your followers. Remember though, they’re all Hierophants too and worthy of as much respect as you are.

Happy Tweeting!


At 2:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Definitely food for thought, and a great way to apply the numerology -thank you for sharing that!

At 6:29 PM, Anonymous Theresa said...

I love this! What a great concept - and so true!


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