the tarot room

georgianna of the tarot room talks about tarot stuff

Sunday, February 17, 2008

no tarot readers allowed

Here’s an issue that’s finally got me writing again, Beauty Pageant Dumps Tarot Card Reading Judge, Beauty Queen Rejected as Pageant Judge and unfortunately, it’s from my own home town . . .

At the end of January, the Miss Toronto Tourism Pageant ousted one of their judges when they discovered that she read Tarot cards and practiced reiki.

After being invited to preside over the pageant, Stephanie Conover, the reigning Miss Canada Plus, sent the Miss Toronto Tourism organization her bio in which she described some of her hobbies. Apparently her charity work, songwriting, dancing, knitting, painting and even yoga were all right, but not so the Tarot reading and reiki. According to pageant director Karen Murray, Ms. Conover is involved in occult activities, that she and her group deem unacceptable to God, Jews, Muslims and Christians.

“Wow” is about all I could say when I saw this piece. What century are we in? First off, it’s amazing that this gaggle of beauty and tourism experts is sounding off on religion at all. As Ms. Conover herself commented, "If you are running an organization, yes, you have the right to stipulate who can and who can't participate, but at the same time there's nothing in it that says it is the Miss Christian Toronto pageant."

I’d have to agree with her, and not only that, what’s up with this group speaking for God and all Jews, Muslims and Christians anyway? It’s an awfully big claim they’re making. I truly wonder at the arrogance of Ms. Murray and her organization, or is it simply extreme unadultered ignorance. After all they describe Tarot in this way - ‘Tarot card reading and reiki is witchcraft and is used by witches, spiritists and mediums to consult the dark world.'

I’ve been reading tarot cards for about fourteen years now and must disagree with Ms. Murray and her group. Though I have no problem with those that are, I personally am not a witch, spiritist, or medium and I have no idea how one might consult the ‘dark world’. Tarot cards are pieces of cardboard with pictures on them that can be used as tools to help you discover patterns and direction in your life. Simple as that. Nothing to be afraid of.

And then there’s this business about reiki . . . do I even have to go there?

Ultimately, not many people care what the Miss Tourism Toronto organization thinks about Tarot reading, religion or even tourism in Toronto. Clearly by their behaviour they’ve shown themselves to be ignorant and close-minded, if not downright bigoted and intolerant of faiths other than their own.

Their website describes their main function as being the promotion of tourism, charities and events in the City of Toronto. In my opinion, they’d be doing us all a favour if they just stick to their mandate. As they themselves point out, Toronto is a diverse city made up of many cultures and ethnicities. If they truly believe that, they should stop speaking for all of us.


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