the tarot room

georgianna of the tarot room talks about tarot stuff

Friday, November 24, 2006

reading the lovers card

I just pulled a card to talk about here today. The card I pulled was #6 - the Lovers. My first thought was romance, the romantic dream of union, choosing commitment to the self and/or another. Commitment itself is such a romantic concept - full of sacrifice and devotion. It's also full of bright hopes and honor, loyalty and trust. I'm wondering what it might mean to me right now. Two humans are pictured on the card, a man and a woman, both naked, and an angel above them arms outstreched, pink wings open. The sun shines high behind the angel. There's a tree on either side - by the woman, an apple tree with a snake, and by the man a tree of fire. There's a mountain behind the humans, seperating them from afar. I wonder what they might be saying to each other and why is the angel so happy. What would I want to say to myself, what would make me happy. What's the snake about and the apples? A flaming tree? What do they mean to me? I'm snakey about apples and burning hot. It's all quite interesting, gets me to thinking. Each card has something to say to us, and it's usually not in it's title. It's more ofen in the picture and how you describe it. What do those words mean to you, especially in the order that you say them. There's no right or wrong answer, just what you see and how you feel about what you see at that particular moment. Only you know what a snake means to you, or how the sun feels on your skin, or whether an apple is a tasty treat or a poisoned fruit. Pull a card now and see what's in your picture. It's fun, and you might end up finding something out about yourself you didn't realize you knew.


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